Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Spiders are assholes!

I got bit by a spider. No, I didn't actually seeeeee the spider, but I know that's what it was. I just know. Now, for those that do not know me, I HATE SPIDERS. Loath them. This bite makes me hate them even more. The bite got red and pissed off. Oozing shit. Felt like rug burn. This was 5 days ago and I am STILL dealing with it.

So I went to the ER, b/c it was oozing bad and it was yucky. It was 2 am. The Dr. was half asleep (seriously, he kept closing his eyes and he just looked way to relaxed) and said, "Well, sometimes we end up having to cut it off" Cut it off? Cuse me? My leg? I don't think so. You better IV my ass up with some antibiotics or give me a shot in my ass. SOMETHING! QUICK! He says, "NO, not your leg, the bite". Well , that is better, I kinda like my leg. He probably got a kick out of scaring the shit out of me. Asshole.

Thankfully it is just now starting to heal.

I haven't found the bastard that bit me yet, but I am on the look out with a bottle of Clorox spray by my side. When I find that little shit, he's dead. Then I'm going to leave his body there so all his little friends see it so they know not to eff with me. "Look, there's Bob, the bitch got him, we better move out" That's right mo fos. GET OUT before you end up like Bob.

I hate them. Bad. Creepy asses. YUCK!

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