Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Table Manners


The fam bam and I went out to eat the other night and I almost lost my dinner.  People are GROSS.

This guy (mid 40's)  was a few tables down from us slurping, chewing with his mouth open, shit dribbling on his chin.  It was gross.

If you wanna eat like that at home, good for you, but damn don't do it in public.  GROSS.

While we are on the subject of table manners, how bout those that blow their nose at the table?  Good god I hate it.  Snot and cheeseburgers do not mix.

I just gagged.


  1. I'm sure I've offended you with my drippy soup slurping. Sorry about that.

  2. Hey there, found you on "It's why you like me." I'm loving your blog. I once had to endure sitting thru a meal with a lady a table over who had one of those holes in her throat. I have no idea what you call it. Anyway, she kept choking on her food and coughing it out of that hole! I feel nauseous thinking about it now.
