The grocery store has become an evil place. It is where I am beginning to realize things have changed.
The other day, the kids and I were shopping at a medium speed level (this is usually a notch down, I am usually on high speed) so, I'm minding my own business and all of a sudden, my daughter has a look of utter shock on her face. I ask her what her deal is and she proceeds to tell me that a lady asked me a question and I walked by and ignored her.
She did? What lady? When? Where the eff was I?
HOLY SHIT. I did not hear or see a damn thing.
So I tell my daughter that I didn't hear this woman ask me anything and my daughter and son are confused because they say I looked right at her.
I did??
What was she wearing?
Is my hearing going? What is the deal here?
That was realization one.
Realization two happened today. I went to the grocery store with my daughter Nothing fascinating happened. Just my usual rush to hurry up and get the hell out of there, so we were shopping at high speed.
I spent $89.00 in a matter of 30 minutes and a few bags. How pathetic. But this blog is not about me bitching about food prices, I could do that all day.
So... my daughter and I get back in the car and shes talking about how she sneezed and the cashier was looking around to see who sneezed. When I said, "bless you" to my daughter, the cashier looked at my daughter funny.
Then my daughter asked, "You remember when I sneezed and you said bless you, don't you?"
Drawing a blank.
Seriously, have I become this absent minded or and I getting old? It was only a few minutes prior when the alleged sneeze took place.
My 10 yr old is looking at me like I am nuts for not remembering this damn sneeze as I go through every filing cabinet my brain has to offer. How can I not remember this effing sneeze?
What else have I effing missed on these trips to the grocery store??? Holy shit.
So am I getting absent minded or old? I don't know, but I'm beginning to think it's all the grocery stores fault.
Perhaps it's a little bit of both, I am getting absent minded in my old age :/
Bahaha scary, isn't it?! I feel like this a LOT - no fun to have the repercussions of all that pot smoking thrown in your face by your kids!