Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bacon Bacon Bacon Revenge Revenge Revenge

What brilliance .. .revenge in yankee candle form...

Revenge?  In candle form you ask?   Well, let me explain..........

Being a stay at home mom is not just being a stay at home mom.   It entails booger wiping, laundry bitch, dish washer, errand runner, financial adviser, item location specialist, secretary, appointment maker, nurse, and cook.  

That is a lot for one person.  Admit it.  

In the midst of all of this, one can feel... neglected.. used and unappreciated.   

Roger is great,  I wouldn't trade him for ANYTHING.  But, he can piss me off.  Like tonight, off he went to work.. leaving an empty Pepsi can and a can of cashews on the table in the living room.   Nice Roger.  Nice. 

This type of behavior over and over calls for revenge. 

Women can get their revenge in many forms.  The husband does not even realize its revenge.  This is the beauty to my methods.  

Right now my revenge is in the form of drawers. That's right. Drawers. When he pisses me off good, I go switch all the drawers in the kitchen and sit back and watch him open up the wrong silverware drawer for weeks. 

Then, just when he gets used to it being in that certain drawer.  BAM.  Switch em again.  

Just watching him close the drawer and say a curse word under his breath gives me great pleasure. Piss me off and this is what you get. Call me childish, but hey, it gives me a good damn laugh. 

Another form of sweet revenge is turning his socks inside out before I fold them and put them away. Watching him on the edge of the bed fix his socks in the morning! I love it. I giggle under my breath.  

Yet another form of revenge, switch the drawers around in his dresser.  Not all of them, I don't want to overwhelm the poor guy, so I switch the socks and boxer drawer.  Hahhaha this too gives me great pleasure.  

Now, yankee presents itself with a bacon scented candle? I love it. Nothing makes Roger's morning better than when he wakes up to me cooking a breakfast that consists of anything plus bacon. I can see it now... he pisses me off, the next morning, I light this sucker and he will come floating out of the bedroom, nose in the air, asking when breakfast is. Ha. What breakfast buddy? Sweet revenge.


  1. That is the funniest thing EVER!!! Classic! I could not for the life of me understand why they would ever make a bacon candle, now I get it! Designed by a woman to get her husband back! Cruel, Yes, but very funny!

    1. Your right! Yankee candle inc is looking out for us! lol

  2. I just get pissed and can't think straight. I believe it's time for some sweet revenge!!
